
Sustanon benefits and side effects

April is coming and it means that is time for bodybuilding preparations, or it is just time to make a beautiful body. We will talk about the indispensable and very interesting product Sustanon.

Sustanon contains various forms of the male sex testosterone hormone. It is widely used in medical practice, as well as to enhance the effectiveness of strength training in bodybuilding and other sports. It is doping and is prohibited for use by professional athletes.

Sustandrol is available in ampoules of 1 ml or 10ml of solution for injection, enclosed in a box of cardboard. Sustamed ncludes several testosterone esters:

- Testosterone Propionate (0.03 g).
- Testosterone phenylpropionate (0.06 g).
- Testosterone Decanoate (0.1 g).
- Testosterone isocapronate (0.06 g).

Also, the composition of the product includes excipients:
- Peanut butter (maybe another oil)
- Benzyl alcohol.
- Nitrogen.

Sustandrol Application:

The use of Sustandrol as a sports anabolic shows the following effects:

- Muscle growth.
- Increased appetite.
- Strengthening the process of blood formation.
- The growth of libido.
- Anticatabolic effect.

Sustanon Side Effects:
You can not use Sustanon in the following cases:
- An allergic reaction to basic and additional active substances.
- Carcinoma of the prostate.
- Breast carcinoma.
- Gynecomastia
- Diabetes.
- Renal and liver failure.
- Nephrosis.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Pregnancy.
- The period of breastfeeding.

To avoid such troubles, you need to do a specialist examination and take Sustandrol.
