quick overview
Turanabol is an oral steroid which became popular especially during last years among professional athletes and beginning sportsmen.
- manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
- active substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
- MASS (1-10): 1
- CUTTING (1-10): 5
- STRENGTH (1-10): 8
Turanabol is an oral steroid which became popular especially during last years among professional athletes and beginning sportsmen. Turinabol Balkanfarma is a modernized analogue of methandrostenolone – one of anabolic steroids which is known in sports industry for a very long time. The quality of this steroid may be easily checked. It's enough to go to the address www.bp.md in order to input UPIC and, consequently, to confirm the original production of the drug.
Turanabol: steroid’s effect
This anabolic steroid is not exposed to aromatization. Turanabol effect is mainly anabolic and in lesser degree androgenic. Athletes administrate Turinabol for a qualitative gain of muscular mass. Sole administration of Turinabol is weak but when combined with other steroids it has a very good effect.
Reviews about Turinabol show that the quantity of the accumulated weight will not be big, but the result will remain for 100% even after you finish the course. Turinabol doesn’t retain water and that’s why mass gain during steroid administration is very qualitative.
A doubtless advantage of Turinabol should be considered its possibility of significant strength and endurance at sportsmen. Turinabol price is not small but this is compensated with practical harmlessness of the drug and its quality characteristics. Numerous reviews about Turinabol confirm that it is enough to stop its administration 5 days prior to competitions in order for any doping test to show negative result.
Turinabol was designed in far 1963 by the specialists from GDR. Since 1965 the steroid was used in medicine and already in 1966 Turanabol interested athletes. In 1972 the steroid was used not only by weightlifters but sportsmen of other power and speed sports. Also we should note the achievements of sportsmen from GDR at the Olympiad that took place in 1972 in Munich. Germans’ second place of team scoring is indebted namely to Turanabol.
Turanabol course: dosages, combination
Daily dosage of drug differs and makes 20-60 mg. According to the reviews about Turinabol drug course lets increasing the mass up to 9 kg. For the athletes whose weight doesn’t exceed 90 kg, it is recommended to use not more than 20 mg Turanabol tablets daily. In other cases the dosage may be up to 60 mg. As a rule, athletes use Turanabol once per day or divide the daily dose in two times. GDR experience tells about effective dose of 0,125 mg per 1 kg of dry mass of sportsman’s body. This optimal dose was smaller than the Soviet one in those years but it was giving the possibility to administrate Turanabol practically without interruption during some years with the condition of cycled administration of steroids and the gradual increase of the dose in order to prevent receptor clogging. These miserable dosages, according to bodybuilders’ criteria, worked and bore their fruits year after year. The steroid is well-combined with other drugs. In order to gain muscular mass the combination of Turanabol with Nandrolone and testosterone is effective. Parabolan and stanozolol in combination with Turanabol 10 mg allow the bodybuilders not administrate additional fat-burning drugs before the competitions. This combination of Turanabol also gives bodybuilders the chance to practically not decrease the amount of calories used before the competitions. Numerous reviews about Turinabol are the confirmation of its high effectiveness as the drug that allows accumulating muscular mass and give relief to the muscles. Turanabol has advantages when compared with many oral steroids because its combinations with other anabolic steroids doesn’t cause such side effects like estrogen excess and its consequence – gynecomastia. Correct doses of Turinabol in minimum time will bring the athlete a significant result. If you are in sport and know how to administrate Turanabol and how to correctly combine it during steroid course. Your achievements may be really surprising and impressive.
Turanabol in different kinds of sports, administration by women
Oral steroid of Turanabol is used for a quite long time by professional and beginning athletes. It's fast and the quality result were estimated by sportsmen of speed, strength and speed-strength kinds of sports. Positive reviews of bodybuilders about Turinabol let us claim that this drug creates conditions for accumulation of namely quality muscular mass and significant increase of strength indices which positively affect the muscular mass itself. Turanabol is a drug which is considered to be one of the safest for administration by females. The risk of side effects of Turanabol for female athletes is minimal and they may appear only at certain conditions: too long period of steroid administration.
Turanabol and excess of recommended dosages
Female sportsmen who plan to purchase Turanabol should know that the reaction to the drug is conditioned by individual characteristics.
Turinabol: reviews, side effects
Drug’s safety is confirmed by many years of administration experience by professional sportsmen. Side effects from Turinabol are excluded for 100% because this drug represents 17-alkylated anabolic steroid which principally implies a negative effect to the liver.
If we take into consideration the reviews about Turinabol, we may conclude that body’s negative reactions take place very rarely. Generally, their appearance is conditioned by excessive administration of Turanabol and also wrongly composed combinations.
In most cases when the drug is administrated by male athletes, the effect of Turinabol is not accompanied by negative consequences. This is directly related with quite a low estrogen activity of the steroid. Turinabol course for females is also safe and virilization cases seldom take place.
Turanabol is related to a group of steroids which don’t have a negative effect for sportsman’s organism in case Turinabol course doesn’t exceed six-eight weeks. Thereby, athletes have no need of interruptions during the entire period even when they administrate Turanabol.
Some groups of people should refrain from administrating anabolic steroids. Contraindications for Turanabol administrations are young age, cancer diseases, liver and kidney insufficiency. Turanabol is contraindicated to women during the pregnancy period, also they should not administrate the drug during breastfeeding.